Biblioteca do Café

Browsing The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal by Issue Date

Browsing The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal by Issue Date

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  • Unknown author (1933-03)
    With continued dull trading, the month of February passed with little that was of interest on the New York Coffee Exchange. The nearby futures showed some decline, while the more distant months showed slight gains, which ...
  • Unknown author (1933-03)
    São Paulo, February 15, 1933. – No regrets are expressed at the passing of the National Coffee Council, although Drs. Mucio and Roquete, ex members, are reported to have expressed “amazement”, and have betaken themselves ...
  • Unknown author (1933-03)
    The Federal Government has extinguished the National Council, creating in substation, the National Coffee Department, subordinated to the Ministry of Finance. With this measure the Government intends to stabilize the coffee ...
  • Unknown author (1933-03)
    The Federal Interventor has signed a decree covering the reorganization of the São Paulo Coffee Institute. In accordance with this decree the Institute will continue in charge of the defense of the coffee growers in this ...
  • Unknown author (1933-03)
    In consequence of various political facts, the Military Governor of the State decided to dismiss summarily the Board of Directors elected by delegates of the coffee growers, and place in office Dr. L. V. Figueira de Mello, ...
  • Fernandes (1933-03)
    A general plan of syndication the Paulista coffee interests has become known, which is to be executed within three months, and governed by fixed regulations, through the initiative of the new directorate of the Coffee ...
  • Unknown author (1933-05)
    As soon as the announcement concerning Brazil’s latest coffee bonus in kind reached this country there arose a wave of protest from coffee roasters and distributers all over the United States. Chairman Hebert Delafield of ...
  • Unknown author (1933-05)
    The National Coffee Department, in its endeavor to meet foreign coffee-price competition without reducing prices, has conceived and put in execution, as of April 17, a 10 per cent bonus in kind on all coffee exports.
  • Unknown author (1933-05)
    The internal dissension which arose in the Department of Coffee, with the resignation of the member for Minas, has not yet been smoothed out. The best information that can be gathered from intimates oh the Department, is ...
  • Unknown author (1933-09)
    São Paulo, August 19, 1933. – Major Juarez Tavora, eminent revolutionary and Minister for Agriculture at Rio, has again brought forward his proposal that all services connect with coffee, reference, and propaganda should ...
  • Unknown author (1933-09)
    Following the negotiations inaugurated between the State Departament and the Minister from Colombia, last week, for the first of a series of new commercial treaties with our neighbors to the south, exploratory conversations ...
  • Unknown author (1933-10)
    The coffee market is reported to be very flat, with holders refusing offers due to prices considered low, but tending to go be very flat, with holders refusing offers due to prices considered low, but tending to still ...
  • Unknown author (1933-10)
    Dr. Armando Salles, the new Federal Agent, has desired his predecessor, General Daltro, commander of the Military Region, to preside over the inquiry at the São Paulo Coffee Institute, which is investigating the responsibility ...
  • The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal (1933-10)
    Brazil has opened a heavy attack on the coffee consciousness of the millions of visitors to A Century of Progress. In its impressive exhibit space in the Travel and Transport Building at the World’s Fair Brazil has a long ...
  • Unknown author (1933-11)
    A complete new directorate for the Coffee Institute of São Paulo is the resignation of Dr. Taylor de Oliveira last week for reasons connected with his private business interests soon will be followed by the resignation of ...
  • Unknown author (1933-11)
    A letter in the New York Times, November 2, from a writer signing himself as Director of the Brazil Information Service, New York City, states that news of impending revolutionary activities in São Paulo and Rio Grande do ...
  • Unknown author (1934-03)
    Rio de Janeiro, February 5, 1934. – A recent fortnightly report of the DNC says that the government of the State of São Paulo has reduced 3$000 per bag the ne- milreis-gold tax on São Paulo’s coffee. The same tax having ...
  • Unknown author (1934-03)
    Santos, February 14,1934. – On the 10th of this month the Departmento Nacional do Café passed its first anniversary as the successor of the former National Coffee Council; in other words it is just a year ago since the ...
  • Unknown author (1934-03)
    The inquiry into the affairs of the São Paulo Coffee Institute which was inaugurated after the removal of General Waldomiro has been terminated by General Daltro, who affirms that it has been carried out “with exclusive ...
  • Unknown author (1934-03)
    Santos, February 14, 1934. – According to telegraphic information from the Brazilian Embassy in Paris, the French Government has just revoked the part of the decree of October 30 last which established a surtax on entries ...

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