According to information received from the interior, the flowering of coffee trees is well advanced in some districts, such as the North of the State of Parana, lower Sorocabana and some parts of the Noroeste Railway. In warmer zones buds have already opened and in others the number of buds, although still unopened, is very large. Growers are annoyed by this fact as the first flowering will not give any result unless showers are present. A grower from Paraná, who has just arrived from a trip to Ipaussú, Mr. Luiz Pinto, Ourinhos (S. Paulo) and the districts us that the showers presently falling there will help the flowering and, as the trees are well prepared, in his opinion, the future crop is also expected to be good. According to this opinion, the present crop will be damaged due to lack of labor which is intense in the newer zones of the State, viz. Sorocabana. The plantations are more or less grown up with weeds and this will cause a great loss of coffee berries. In some plantations he has seen berries still on the opinion of another large grower, owning plantations in the so-called Old Zone and Sorocabana Zone, the future crop will be larger in the Old Districts and smaller in the Sorocabana Zone. His opinion is based on the present aspect of the plantations._Medeiros.