Biblioteca do Café

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  • Autor desconhecido (1935-09)
    “On August 22 the Executive Committee of the Pacific luncheon at the Bohemian Club in honor of Dr. Oswaldo Aranha, Brazil’s Ambassador to the United States. Dr. Aranha drove from Washington on a pleasure trip via Chicago ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-09)
    While August coffee trading on the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange rose and fell from day to much in the same way as during the preceding months of this year, a slight gain in prices is shown. Santos 4s advanced 27 to ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-09)
    According to information received from the interior, the flowering of coffee trees is well advanced in some districts, such as the North of the State of Parana, lower Sorocabana and some parts of the Noroeste Railway. In ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-10)
    In Brazilian press interview, reported to the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange, October 10, the President of the Departamento Nacional do Café stated first that following full study under the Constitution the suggestions ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-10)
    Following the lead started in August, coffee continued its rise in price in September on the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange. The rise was not great, but it was an encouraging change from the continuous drop since the ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-11)
    Listlessness marked trading on the New York Stock Exchangeduring the month of October. The advances registered during the preceding two months in both Santos 4s and Rio 7s, while small, were halted. Santos 4s, closing at ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-11)
    Producing the best quality possible of the various types of Brazil coffee is the aim of the Departamento Nacional do Café (DNC). Making this product available when and as desired to the various consuming countries is another ...
  • Mattos, Soares de (1936-01)
    Deparando no „Minas Geraes‟ de 5 de Janeiro do corrente ano um valioso trabalho de autoria do conhecido engenheiro Soares de Mattos, diretor do Departamento Nacional do Café e por acha-lo interessante e sobretudo precioso ...
  • Castro, João Baptista de (1936-02)
    “É justamente á essa data [13 de maio de 1888] que carecemos remontar, porque nela é que se espelha, pela escravidão, toda nossa estrutura econômica. Em boa hora banida, nem por isso suas taras desapareceram e aquilo que ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1936-03)
    The activity of the previous month on the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange decreased during February. Likewise, the advances in quotations in January were not repeated in February, the month ending in recessions in both ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1936-03)
    The outstanding coffee development of the last week has been the visit of Dr. Souza Mello President of the DNC, to São Paulo and Santos, and his remarks on coffee policies, according to a statement by U.S. Consul General ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1939-03)
    The Santo Andre Coffee Factory illustrated at the top of the page is operated by the Sao Paulo Cooperative Coffee Federation with the assistance of the DNC Technical Service. It is equipped with every device for sanitary ...
  • Andrade, Theophilo de (1939-09)
    Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 15 – The first month of the new coffee crop was not very encouraging, with deliveries from the interior less than July of last year. Exports were also lower, the July total being 1,-162,738 bags as ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1939-10)
    Rio de Janeiro Sep. 15 – The European war to date affects four of Brazil’s best customers, two of which, France and Germany, may be classed as first class coffee buyers. For Brazil this is of extraordinary significance, ...
  • Andrade, Theophilo de (1940-06)
    During the month there was held a meeting of the Consulting Council of the National Coffee Department, for the purpose of discussing the rendering of accounts by the Board of Directors, and for discussion of the percentage ...
  • Andrade, Theophilo de (1940-10)
    Rio de Janeiro, September 15 – The coffee situation in Brazil continues unsettled as is the case in all other coffee producing countries. Notwithstanding, the level of prices is not too bad compared to competitors in the ...
  • Torres Filho, Arthur (1949-03)
    “[...] a questão cafeeira em nosso país estava sendo encaminhada, principalmente, em seu aspecto comercial, objetivando a garantia de preços altos nos mercados internos. Havíamos enveredado pela chamada valorização e em ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1949-05)
    Instalada a 16 de maio, no Instituto Agronômico, sob a presidência do exmo. Sr. Dr. Secretário da Agricultura – Como se desenvolveram os trabalhos Com excepcional brilhantismo tiveram início a 16 de maio os trabalho da ...
  • Maurino, Vicente (1950-11)
    A <<mesa redonda do café>> convocada, e em boa hora, pelo Centro de Comércio do Café do Rio de Janeiro, traduz o anseio nacional pela fixação das bases de uma política cafeeira constante, e diríamos melhor, consciente.
  • Cardoso, Francisco Malta (1950-12)
    “Tem a palavra o dr. Malta Cardozo. O SR. MALTA CARDOZO – Sr. Presidente, já se passou o tempo em que se considerava o ponto de vista da lavoura diferente e até certo ponto antagônico àquele comércio. [...] Há pouco tempo ...

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